Introducing The Garden’s STAMPEDE BINGO!

Starting July 4th, we are playing BINGO at The Garden! The first 3 BINGO winners will get tickets to the Strathmore Stampede Chuckwagon races, so swing by the shop to grab your bingo card, then follow along online or in-store, to see if YOU get a BINGO! (No purchase necessary to enter, must be18+ to […]

Save $$ on Big Bags!

We know how tight the budget is these days, but you don’t have to go without…Make your dollars stretch with The Garden’s BIG BAGS! We’ve got an awesome selection, and currently you can find;1/4 Ounces for $30.00 and up 1/2 Ounces that range from $68.50-$78.10 Full Ounces that range from $99.99-$135.00  Oh – and just a heads […]

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